+48 533 598 008

Unique park ambience

The estate’s unique park ambience is created by carefully designed architecture with alleys surrounded by magnolia flowers and lush greenery arrangements as well as by captivating, mood illuminations. Dolny Sopot Apartments’ intimate character and attention to details guarantee a truly exceptional place to enjoy a luxury life in full privacy. The estate is an enclave of serenity and verdure which makes it a perfect place for everybody seeking a moment of rest in a city full of positive experiences.

Architecture and the apartments

Low-rise buildings designed in bright colours, large, glazed surfaces and glass railings are perfectly integrated with Sopot’s seaside surrounding reflecting its exclusive and luxurious character.

Dolny Sopot Apartments consist of two buildings with approx. 90 apartments ranging from 22  to 128,21 m². Ground floor flats come with private gardens whereas all of the higher level apartments have balconies or terraces with glass railings. The estate will also have green courtyard with an alley and a playground for children. Parking spaces will be available in the underground parking garage and on the area around  the estate.

1 April 2019

Ready-to-live-in apartments! Hurry!

Give us a call and find your --> apartament <-- today! +48 58 761 62 63 or please use our contact form  ...

28 February 2019

Up-to-date construction site photos

We are finishing up the construction project! Visit our --> gallery with up-to-date photos Do not hesitate! Ask for our offer and live in Sopot! Give us a call:  +48 58 761 62 63 Enjoy the...

6 November 2018

Construction progress

Please visit our gallery with the latest construction progress photos. Click here For more datails contact our sales office: +48 58 761 62 63  ...

20 July 2018

Construction site photos

Check out our gallery showcasing the lates construction site photos. Click HERE For more information please contact our Sales Office: +48 58 761 62 63...


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